I've been gone for a long, long time- this, I know. But, new year, new attempt at being a blogger. So, I've deleted all of my old posts and am starting fresh. I thought I would start off my "not-so-first" post with a quote I found ( above) earlier this year that I love and I think defines my year perfectly. This was one of the hardest years I've ever had and at the same time one of the best, because it made me take a long, hard, look at myself. I know this year is going to be even more amazing than the last. It started off with a laid back new years party with some fun people. Here, I would normally give you tons of awesome pictures However....

This is the only picture I have from New Years -taken to show me which chunks of hair I still needed to curl in the back before we even got to the party ha! ( Hair turned out pretty awesome once it was done..btw!) I passed on (/forgot about taking) other pictures from the evening in exchange for drinking copious amounts of champagne, dancing, pouting (result of having too much champagne), and ultimately being carried to the car by the bf because my feet hurt #reallife... at least you can (kinda) see my sparkly NYW dress. Soo, to wrap this up I wanted to make a list of things I accomplished in 2012 instead of a list of resolutions. Sure, I have resolutions but I am pretty proud of some of the things I accomplished in 2012 and I think if I can continue to head in the same direction I will be A-OK :)
1. Figured out how( started to figure out how to) balance a healthy diet and exercise/lost weight got fit ( TBC obviously )
2. Moved into a new apartment in the city/ started paying my own rent for the first time!
3. Found and kept a good job for myself right out of college
4. Bought a car all on my own ( Pretty new white 2013 Hyundai Elantra, woohoo!)
5. Really learned how to create a budget for myself and began to save $
6. Drank less/Slept More..
7. Started taking better care of my skin/ using a moisturizer daily .. see ya old lady skin
8. Became more organized/more of a planner-aheader ( mainly out of absolute necessity)
9. Oh... graduated college.
10. Became a better/healthier cook.. started some adventures with my new crock pot!
11. Met some truly incredible people :)
Are there things I would have done differently this year? TOTALLY. But, at the end of the day,this year taught me so much about myself and I think gave me the push I needed to grow. That's all for now- hopefully I can stick with it and will talk to you again soon!
XOXO Natalie